This page contains links and embedded media for public talks, interviews, and television appearances that I’ve done. You can also find links to some of my writing here.
Data Science

Podcast: Inside Tech Careers by Mission Encodeable
9 December 2024
Inside Tech Careers podcast interview with Mission Encodeable (, an organisation that promotes coding for young people.
Faster, Cheaper, Better: Using Data Science to Strengthen ONS' Surveys
16 November 2022
A talk I gave at the 2022 Joint Statistical Meeting titled 'Faster, Cheaper, Better: How the UK's Office for National Statistics Is Using Data Science to Strengthen Our Surveys'. Part of the session on 'How Can Data Science Improve Surveys?'
Recording from a panel on Big Data from the Bristol Economics Festival
16 November 2022
I took part in a panel discussion on 'big data' at the Bristol Economics Festival (audio only). The panel was chaired by James Fransham (The Economist) and consisted of: data artist Tiziana Alocci; Dénes Csala (Economics Observatory); and Anna Powell-Smith, (director of the Centre for Public Data).
The Wonders of Data Science, Bristol Data & AI Showcase
6 July 2022
A talk I gave on some of the amazing wonders that data science has and is bringing the world. Given at the 2022 Bristol Data & AI Showcase, hosted by the Jean Golding Institute.

How the pandemic accelerated use of anonymised location data from mobile phones (Business Matters)
30 June 2022
An opinion piece in Business Matters magazine on how the Office for National Statistics' Data Science Campus began using anonymised mobile phone data for analysis during the pandemic.
Webinar on natural language processing
25 September 2020
A webinar discussing the application of natural language processing to economics and finance hosted by Dow Jones.

Research on gender pay transparency featured in the Financial Times
16 February 2024
Soumaya Keynes writing on 'Should pay be more transparent?'
Chair for ESCoE Conference plenary
17 April 2023
I was a co-organiser of the 2023 Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence conference. I chaired this plenary session in which Prof Diane Coyle spoke about The cost of computing and the productivity puzzle.

Tracking the price of the lowest-cost grocery items
30 June 2022
Experimental ONS Data Science Campus analysis tracking the cost of lowest priced groceries using web-scraped price data, carried out in response to concerns about the cost of living for those on the lowest incomes. Widespread coverage, including in The Times, Evening Standard, The Independent, The Guardian, Mail Online, The Sun, The Daily Mirror, Metro, Bloomberg, BBC, Reuters, Evening Standard, Sky News, FT, City AM, ITV, Huff Post, Morning Star Online, iNews, Irish News, Daily Express, Retail Gazette, Grocery Gazette, the Scotsman, the i paper, Sky News, ITV, Channel 5, Channel Four News, GB News, LBC.
IARIW-ESCoE Conference on Intangible Assets
23 October 2021
A session I chaired at the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence conference on intangible assets.
Podcast: Macro Musings with David Beckworth
16 August 2021
On Macro Musings to talk about the Bank of England, the future of economic data, and The Star Builders: Nuclear Fusion and the Race to Power the Planet.
ESCoE Workshop: Job vacancy data for the public good
10 December 2020
A session I chaired at the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence workshop on job vacancy data; the session had four excellent presentations on job vacancy data for the public good.
Chair: Modelling with Big Data & Machine Learning; Measuring Economic Instability session at the IMF
1 November 2020
A session at the IMF.

Q&A for Nature
4 May 2020
An interview on how Bank of England research changed due to coronavirus.

Blog: What's in the news? Text-based confidence indices and growth forecasts
28 February 2019
Bank Underground blog post on using newspaper text as an input to nowcasts.

24 October 2018
Part of their series on rewiring macroeconomics. Check out previous episodes to hear from John Muellbauer, David Hendry, and David Vines.
Talk on economic models, European Parliament
1 October 2018
A talk I gave on economic models in 2018 at the European Parliament as part of a conference addressing post-growth topics.

Blog: Making big data work for economics
5 September 2018
Bank Underground blog post on using 'big data' to develop new measures of job vacancies in the UK. You can find the paper on the research page.

News coverage: the rebuilding macroeconomics programme
27 March 2018
Series of articles relating to the 'rebuilding macroeconomics' initiatives I took part in.

Talk at US Treasury: Adopting Agent-based models for public policy
21 September 2017
Lecture given at the US Treasury during a conference on Heterogeneous Agents and Agent-based Modelling.

Writing: 'Why I left physics for economics' in The Guardian
22 June 2017
An article in The Guardian about why I chose to leave physics.

Blog: Power and progress
21 October 2016
A short post on the Bank Underground blog showing the correlation between GDP per capita and electricity generation per capita.
Fusion and Physics

TV: Appearance in a documentary on fusion hosted by Hannah Fry
16 March 2023
Can Nuclear Fusion Power the Future? | The Future With Hannah Fry Episode 4

Apperance on 'Faster, Please! — The Podcast' to talk nuclear fusion
22 December 2022
A conversation with James Pethoukakis about a huge breakthrough in nuclear fusion.
Lever Time with David Sirota
14 December 2022
An appearance on David Sirota's podcast.

Writing: Opinion piece on first net energy gain from fusion breakthrough at NIF in The Guardian
13 December 2022
The carbon-free energy of the future: this fusion breakthrough changes everything
France 24 interview on net energy gain fusion experiment
13 December 2022
'A moment in history': US researchers announce major nuclear fusion breakthrough. Note that they weren't supposed to use my ONS affiliation here; I was speaking in a personal capacity.
CNN's Connect the World With Becky Anderson
13 December 2022
One of many appearances on news television and radio to talk about the first ever net energy releasing fusion experiment at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
TV and print media coverage in light of net energy gain breakthrough at National Ignition Facility
11 December 2022
I was quoted in the story that broke the news about the first net energy gain in a fusion experiment at the National Ignition Facility, and I did a whole sweep of media spots in the days after the amazing news! This included BBC's Outside Source with Ros Atkins.
'Patented: History of Inventions' episode on Nuclear Fusion
26 October 2022
Dallas Campbell interviews me for the 'Patented: History of Inventions' podcast.

National Geographic article, 'Many scientists see fusion as the future of energy – and they're betting big', with quotes
4 October 2022
An article in National Geographic magazine about nuclear fusion that includes some quotes from me.

Podcast: The Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry: The Puzzle of the Plasma Doughnut
22 September 2022
An episode of a BBC podcast on nuclear fusion that I appeared on. Featuring Hannah Fry and Adam Rutherford.

Writing: Opinion piece on fusion breakthrough at JET in The Guardian
13 February 2022
The power of stars to meet our energy needs? This is something to be excited about
Nuclear Fusion and the Race to Power the Planet—a lecture at the Royal Institution
27 January 2022
Following in the footsteps of my science outreach hero, Michael Faraday, here I am giving a lecture on nuclear fusion at the UK's Royal Institution, famous for its Christmas lectures.

Podcast: Quirks and Quarks, on Canadian Public Radio
17 December 2021
Appearance on the Quirks and Quarks podcast to discuss nuclear fusion and my book, The Star Builders.

Contributor to the Financial Times' 'Big Read' on fusion
24 November 2021
Nuclear fusion: why the race to harness the power of the sun just sped up

TV: BBC Breakfast Pint of Science talk on Nuclear Fusion
24 November 2021
Talks in London and Cambridge on nuclear fusion for the Pint of Science festival. Interviewed on BBC Breakfast about the festival.
Podcast: Political Economy with James Pethokoukis
6 October 2021
Episode: 'Arthur Turrell: Is fusion power the energy source of the future?'
Podcast: the ARC Energy Podcast
2 October 2021
'This week, Dr. Arthur Turrell, author of the recently published book The Star Builders: Nuclear Fusion and the Race to Power the Planet joins the podcast'.

Writing: Piece on fusion in The Observer
28 August 2021
The race to give nuclear fusion a role in the climate emergency

Coverage: media coverage of paper on ultrafast heating
13 November 2015
You can find the paper on the research pages. Coverage in a wide range of media outlets.
Talk: Laser Quest
20 January 2015
A night celebrating the uses of lasers held at the Ace Hotel in Shoreditch by Super Collider. There were also talks by There were also talks by Lian Han and Ceri Brenner, and tea from Bompas & Parr.

Writing: Science in Parliament article on fusion
20 January 2015
An article in the parliamentary science magazine, aimed at policymakers.

Interview: Business Green
16 October 2014
I was interviewed about Lockheed Martin's new fusion scheme.
Exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition
1 June 2014
An exhibit called 'Set the controls for the heart of the Sun' at the ever-fantastic RS Summer Exhibition.
Lecture: Plasma: The mysterious fourth state of matter
10 September 2011
A talk given at the 2011 British Science Festival